
PUBLICATIONS: Takeaway publicity!

POPEYE (Tony Quinn photo album) 


It's easy to forget that printed publications still have a marketing role in this era of 10-second sound bites and blink-and-you'll-miss-it social media.


Although newspapers and magazines have surrendered a lot of territory to the electronic media, the printing press is far from extinct.


Customers can't resist taking a leaflet from a shop counter. A glossy brochure gives a quality image to high-end products and services. Low-volume custom publishing has created a new business-to-business marketing tool: the corporate coffee table book (shown above).


And there'll always be advertising flyers while cars have windscreen wipers!


Publications can be published on the Internet as well as printed. Newsletters and magazines are often produced in both formats.



Producing a publication involves three functions:

  • Editorial - project management and content production (text and images).
  • Artwork - graphic design.
  • Production - printing/web development and distribution.


With broad experience in the media and corporate communications, I can produce publications ranging from a single-sided flyer to a custom-designed book or magazine with hundreds of pages - for less outlay than you might think.


Good Publicity is located in Guildford, six kilometres south of Parramatta in the heart of Greater Sydney, NSW. No matter what industry you're in, or wherever you are in Australia or overseas, you can be assured of prompt, professional and affordable service.


Contact Good Publicity to discuss your next publication project.